This All-Inclusive contains 300 + ready-to-use Worksheets, Tools, Resources, and Exercises for your Coaching and Counseling Business.


Get This Bundle and Save almost $1000! That’s over 50% off!


It includes these 26 Powerful Toolkits:


    1. Basic Coaching Toolkit includes all the tools and templates you need to provide professional Coaching.
    2. The 7 Best Goal-Setting Tools and exercises help your clients set the right goals, commit, and actually achieve them!
    3. The Ultimate Mindset Change and Thought Control Toolkit – Help your clients get rid of their negative thoughts and limiting beliefs.
    4. The Journaling & Diary Toolkit includes 11 templates for almost every topic in Coaching and Counseling.
    5. Work-Life-Balance and Time Management Toolkit – Help your clients to improve their work-life balance and guide them on how to use their precious time wisely.
    6. The Follow-Up Toolkit contains 7 powerful tools and is all it takes to offer and provide a professional follow-up coaching.
    7. The Life-Coaching Toolkit – 7 tools that help your clients discover their strengths, weaknesses, desires, and true ambitions. They develop concrete strategies, action plans, and finally take the driver’s seat of their life!
    8. Boost Your Self-Confidence Toolkit – 10 Coaching Tools to help your clients build confidence, recognize their worth, and achieve their goals.
    9. Ultimate Burnout Prevention and Recovery Toolkit – The 10-part Coaching toolkit burnout prevention and recovery is the secret to unlocking the stress cycle and getting out of the crisis.
    10. The Ultimate Overcome Anxiety & Stop Worrying Toolkit – 23 Tools and Worksheets for Anxiety. Created for Counseling, CBT, and Coaching.
    11. 100 Highly Engaging Social Media Graphics For Coaches: Say goodbye to Social Media stress and the question “What to post today?”
    12. Starting a Small Business – The Ultimate Coaching Toolkit – 23 exercises, strategies, tools, and tips developed by experienced coaches and successful entrepreneurs.
    13. The Ultimate Coaching Template Starter Kit – 20 powerful Coaching templates, tools, exercises, and questionnaires.
    14. Couples Therapy & Relationship Coaching: 14 Impactful Worksheets & Exercises for Couples Therapy and Counseling
    15. Overcome Depression: 17 Tools & Worksheets based on CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy).
    16. Resilience Building: 15 Impactful Worksheets & Exercises for Building Resilience, Inner Strength, and Managing Stress.
    17. Build Good Habits And Break Bad Ones: 10 Tools & Worksheets – Help Your Coaching Clients to Make Positive Changes That Last!
    18. Overcome Perfectionism: 13 Worksheets – Say Goodbye to self-imposed inflexible rules and unrelenting standards and hello to authenticity and thus more happiness, inner satisfaction, and health.
    19. Self-Reflection & Introspection: 11 Powerful Worksheets To Inspire Self-Reflection & Introspection. Gain Knowledge that is impossible in any other way!
    20. Successful Career Change: How to Start a New Career? 11 Invaluable Coaching Tools and Exercises to Change Your Career Path!
    21. Self-Love: The Key to Real Prosperity – 18 Worksheets, Tools, And Exercises – Support clients on their Road to Genuine Happiness and Satisfaction in Life!
    22. The Art Of Setting Boundaries Without Feeling Guilty – 4 Powerful Worksheets: Say No. Speak Up. Take Back Control.
    23. Master Your Emotions – These 7 Tools and Worksheets are the key to surfing on the wave of feelings and emotions instead of being overrun by it.
    24. Find Your Purpose And Unlock Your Full Potential – 15 Impactful Coaching Worksheets & Exercises. For those who feel there is more to life.
    25. Overcome Procrastination And Get Things Done! 9 Coaching Worksheets & Exercises for those who want to take action and catapult their productivity. The blueprint to beat the inner procrastinator!
    26. The Ultimate Decision Making Toolkit: The Art Of Making Better Choices! 8 Tools and Worksheets for those who want to make the right decision in any situation, no matter how challenging.






This Collection is a Must-Have for every kind of Coaching (Life, Business, Leadership, Relationship…), and Counseling.

Every tool will automatically appear in your CleverMemo account after you purchase it. You’ll also receive a professionally-designed PDF, brandable .docx, and text file including instructions on using it.



*Bonus: Order today to get the eBook Coaching Navigation Method © – 4 Steps to Sustainable Coaching Success for FREE


Get this All-Inclusive Package and save almost $1000!


You’ll get instant access to the 26 Toolkits today for $ 999

(instead of $ 1956 + VAT if applicable – One-Time-Purchase)

