This Personal Growth And Life-Coaching Pack contains 57 ready-to-use worksheets, tools, and exercises for your Coaching. It includes these 6 Toolkits:


    1. The Life-Coaching Toolkit – 7 tools that help your clients discover their strengths, weaknesses, desires, and true ambitions. They develop concrete strategies and action plans and finally take the driver’s seat of their life!
    2. Boost Your Self-Confidence Toolkit – 10 Coaching Tools to help your clients build confidence, recognize their worth, and achieve their goals.
    3. Self-Reflection & Introspection: 11 Powerful Worksheets To Inspire Self-Reflection & Introspection. Gain Knowledge that is impossible in any other way!
    4. Self-Love: The Key to Real Prosperity – 18 Worksheets, Tools, And Exercises – Support clients on their Road to Genuine Happiness and Satisfaction in Life!
    5. The Art Of Setting Boundaries Without Feeling Guilty – 4 Powerful Worksheets: Say No. Speak Up. Take Back Control.
    6. Master Your Emotions – These 7 Tools and Worksheets are the key to surfing on the wave of feelings and emotions instead of being overrun by it.






This Set is a must-have for every kind of coaching (life, business, leadership, relationship…) and counseling. Every tool comes as a .docx text file, and with instructions on how to use it.



*Bonus: Order today to get the eBook Coaching Navigation Method © – 4 Steps to Sustainable Coaching Success for FREE


You’ll get instant access to the 6 Powerful Toolkits today for only $199 (instead of $326)

(One-Time-Price + VAT if applicable)

