

Self-Actualization: Knowing and Living Your True Self


Self-actualization is a lifelong process that involves becoming aware of and living our true talents, abilities, desires, and inclinations. The aim of Self-actualization is to reach our full and individual potential and live a fulfilled, harmonious, and balanced life. Self-actualization is ultimately the pursuit of becoming the best version of ourselves and is closely related to personal development and growth.

Self-actualization is often defined as living a life where we follow our dreams, desires, and goals. However, an important step is often missing when people think about that. Before we get started and begin to follow our passions and pursue our goals, we are often not even aware of where they actually come from and whether they even correspond to our true nature and personality. Many follow goals adapted from the media and social media, like becoming rich or famous.

It is, therefore, essential to get to know ourselves first and find out who we really are (self-reflection). Otherwise, we may live a particular lifestyle and pursue certain goals for years, only to realize that these don’t make us happy and fulfilled.


Important questions to ask yourself are:

  • Who am I?

  • When am I the most happy, and what do I do well?

  • What fulfills me, and what comes easily to me?



Before starting the process of self-actualization, we should become aware of our true values, talents, abilities, strengths, weaknesses, and inclinations. Only then can we derive paths and goals leading us to true self-actualization.

Especially at the beginning of our journey, we must be honest with ourselves, take the time to reflect, and, if possible, free ourselves from all the beliefs and patterns we have adopted over the years.

We realize that we have come much closer to self-actualization when our tasks come easily and effortlessly, and we smile every morning.


Is Self-Actualization Selfish?


Self-actualization is often mistakenly viewed as selfish because it aims at personal development and personal fulfillment. However, self-actualization is the opposite of selfishness.

When we become self-actualized, we use and express our strengths, abilities, and talents in the best possible way, and therefore, those around us benefit as well from this fact.

As soon as we realize our full potential, we are happier, less stressed, and more satisfied, directly affecting our energy and charisma. Only when we are happy and healthy can we concentrate our power and energy to be there for others.


The Price of Self-Actualization


The journey to self-actualization is not always easy and comes with several challenges and risks. For example, changing careers to pursue personal fulfillment and follow our passion can bring uncertainty and instability as we enter unfamiliar territory.

Family and friends who don’t understand the radical change we are doing in our lives can also be a hurdle, as they may not support our decisions to pursue personal fulfillment. Sometimes, this path can lead to losing friendships and contacts if certain people cannot or will not agree with our choices.

However, these risks are often a necessary part of the process. They challenge us to clarify our values, strengthen our courage, and focus on what is truly important to us. The reward for those who overcome these challenges is an authentic and fulfilling life.


At the beginning of the journey, honestly answer the following question:

Am I willing and ready to pay the price of true self-actualization?



The Importance of Self-Actualization


Self-realization is also closely related to improved mental health. Once we start to pursue our own dreams and realize our potential, we feel alive, energized, and fulfilled at the same time. It gives us a sense of purpose and motivation in life, and this a boost in mental health.

People who don’t strive for self-actualization often feel empty and dissatisfied and do not even know why this is so. It is, therefore, important to first get to know ourselves and our needs and mindfully align and shape our lives accordingly.





Psychology: Maslow’s Self-Actualization (Pyramid)


Abraham Maslow’s pyramid of needs, also known as Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, is a theory in psychology that divides human needs into five sequential categories. This pyramid begins at the base with the most basic physical needs and ends at the top with the need for self-actualization.


Physiological Needs (deficit needs):

These are the basic needs for human survival, such as food, water, sleep, and breathing.


Safety needs (deficit needs):

Once physiological needs are met, safety needs come to the fore. These include protection from danger, stability, and security in many aspects of life.


Social needs (deficit needs):

Once security needs are met, people strive for social relationships, belonging, and love. These include family ties, friendships, and romantic relationships.


Appreciation needs (growth needs):

At the next level are the needs for recognition, success, and respect from others, as well as the urge for self-esteem.


Self-actualization (growth needs):

At the top of the pyramid is the striving for self-actualization, or the desire to reach one’s full potential and self-actualize.


In Maslow’s theory, the pursuit of self-actualization is the ultimate goal of human development. It is an ongoing process of growth, realization, and attainment of personal fulfillment. It is important to note that according to Maslow, the lower levels (deficit needs) must be met before the higher levels (growth needs) can be addressed.


Maslow’s Pyramid of Needs – Different Interpretations


Maslow’s pyramid of needs must not be understood as a rigid, linear structure in which it is obligatory to completely fulfill one level before moving on to the next. People can work on different levels of the pyramid at the same time. For example, someone may be working on their social network (social needs) as well as striving for personal recognition and self-actualization at the same time.

Furthermore, meeting the highest need of self-actualization makes it easier to deal with the other pyramid levels. When people have a sense of purpose in life and personal fulfillment, they often find it easier to deal with challenges that affect their safety or physiological needs. Similarly, a sense of self-fulfillment may help build stronger social relationships and foster a greater appreciation of self and others.

It is crucial to remember that Maslow’s pyramid of needs is a theory that allows for different interpretations and applications. Each person is unique, and their experiences and needs may vary. Therefore, the pyramid should be perceived as a guide rather than a rule set in stone.





Self-Actualization: How to become self-actualized – Tips for starting your personal journey


The path to self-actualization is a different and individual process for each person. Nevertheless, there are common steps that are often taken along the way:



Start with deep self-reflection to identify your true values, interests, strengths, and weaknesses. This is the first important step in understanding who you are and what you want in life. It will help you identify your WHY. Your why is the reason you get up in the morning. It motivates you to take on each day with all its surprises and challenges.



After developing a clear understanding of yourself, you should set goals that align with your values, talents, strengths, and interests. These goals should be challenging but achievable.



Create a plan for how you will achieve your goals. This could include learning new skills, seeking support or guidance through coaching, or implementing changes in your lifestyle. Stop bad and unhelpful habits and build healthy habits in your life that will help you on your way to your big goal.


Actualization and implementation:

The word actualization in the term self-actualization plays a crucial role. All insights, ideas, wishes, and plans are only worthwhile if implemented and actualized. The word act is essential here.

No action means no results. Take small, concrete steps toward your goals. Being proactive and taking responsibility for your decisions and actions is vital. Self-responsibility is an essential pillar for actual self-actualization. You are in the driver’s seat and determine the route and destination of your personal journey.


Review and adjust:

Regularly review your progress and adjust your plan as needed. Learning and growth are a continuous process, and it’s important to remain flexible and adapt to new conditions and circumstances. However, don’t give up immediately if you encounter resistance, and build your resilience.


Mindfulness and Self-Care:

Pay attention to your emotional and physical well-being throughout the process. Practice mindfulness to stay in the present moment and take good care of yourself. Self-care and self-love are the keys.


Remember that self-actualization is not an end goal but an ongoing journey of personal growth and development that accompanies us throughout our lives.



The Reward of Self-Actualization – True Prosperity


Many of us associate prosperity with material goods, money, and status. True prosperity, however, goes far beyond that. What good is all the money and prestige if we lack health, happy relationships, and genuine satisfaction and fulfillment?


True prosperity goes far beyond material wealth. It is a fulfilled life that is rich in every way – emotionally, physically, spiritually, and financially. True prosperity means having economic freedom to meet basic needs and create space for joy, relaxation, and personal development.


It also means having happy and fulfilling relationships based on love, respect, and mutual support. These connect us not only with others but also with ourselves.

True prosperity is mental and physical health. It is the feeling of energy, vitality, and the ability to take full advantage of each day. Mental clarity and emotional balance help us overcome challenges and find joy even in the smallest things.

True prosperity is satisfaction and fulfillment. Knowing that you are doing your best and using your full potential. It is the authentic realization of one’s desires, strengths, talents, and needs.


Above all, true prosperity starts each day with the good feeling of living an authentic life and expressing your personality without a mask or a protection shield and without fear of the judgment of others. The deep satisfaction comes from living and loving your true self. This is true prosperity.


Enjoy your journey!


These Coaching Toolkits are the Ideal Companion on your Journey to Successful Self-Actualization: