How to find your IKIGAI?

6 Powerful Worksheets & Tools to learn the Japanese secret to success, satisfaction, and true fulfillment.


A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night, and in between he does what he wants to do.

Bob Dylan


It’s Monday morning!


While some struggle to get out of bed, others start their day full of motivation and joy.

The former drag themselves to work with heavy steps; the latter leave the house energized and with a big smile.

In the workspace, you’ll find one eyeing the clock, counting each tick until they’re free, but the other?


They completely lose track of time and passionately immerse themselves in their work.

For some, it’s hard work, while others perform their tasks effortlessly and in a flow state.

At the end of the day, their eyes meet in the mirror – some tired and empty, others lively, satisfied, and glowing from within.


So what’s the secret?


While one person performs their duties, the other knows their Ikigai: it’s the reason to get up in the morning!

Those who’ve discovered their Ikigai don’t just know their skills, talents, values, and passions – they live them!

They rise each morning into a world rich with purpose and peace, crafting lives woven with happiness and authenticity.


Most people never find their Ikigai!


Research shows that less than 20% are truly satisfied with their lives.

It’s because we’re raised to chase what’s safe or expected, to seek out success as the world around us paints it.

Those choices can lead us down a path that isn’t our own. Our personal dreams and talents get left behind for the sake of jobs that don’t touch our hearts or fill our spirits.

Yet inside, many feel a pull toward something greater – a deeper meaning in the everyday grind, a desire for work that’s about more than just making ends meet.


They’re looking for their true calling, a life that resonates perfectly with their innermost values, desires, and dreams.

Ikigai isn’t just a philosophy; it’s about living a life in harmonyaligning your unique talents, skills, and passions with what the world needs, creating a symphony of purpose.

Those who weave these threads together lead authentic lives full of fulfillment and satisfaction.


This Ikigai Coaching Toolkit merges the wisdom of this Japanese secret to success with a pragmatic Western approach.

The result is a unique orientation framework that is both inspiring and directly applicable in everyday life.


This IKIGAI Toolkit is crafted for coaching clients who:


  • Feel stuck in a cycle of dissatisfaction and long for genuine joy in their lives.

  • Crave deeper fulfillment in their careers.

  • Are on a quest to understand their true skills and talents.

  • Crave clarity on their life’s calling and long-term objectives.

  • Wrestle with daily stress and seek balance.

  • Struggle to identify and pursue what truly ignites their passion.

  • Lack motivation and clear direction in life.

  • Dream of unlocking their full potential but need a map to get there.




Empower your clients to find their Ikigai through this transformative six-step journey:


  1. Self-Reflection: Assessing my current life satisfaction, needs, and goals.

  2. My Unique Potential: Exploring my talents, gifts, skills, and abilities.

  3. My Passions: Diving deep into my passions, values, and aspirations.

  4. The Golden Blend: Merge my talents, skills, and passions into one powerful force.

  5. Reality Check: Identifying what the world thinks about my ideas.

  6. Ikigai Action Plan: Create a life where every morning feels like it’s weekend!




This Toolkit is designed for:

  • Life Coaching
  • Personal Growth
  • Business & Career Coaching
  • Couples Counseling
  • Self-Coaching


Guide your clients towards a life where Mondays are no longer a chore but an opportunity for joy and fulfillment.

Include the Ikigai Coaching Toolkit in your program and witness their transformation!


You will also receive detailed instructions for the use and effect of each worksheet and tool.


Every tool comes as a professionally designed printable PDF, brandable .docx, and text file, including instructions on how to use it.

+ It will be immediately unlocked in your CleverMemo Account if you have one.



Get the Toolkit only today for just $39

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