


17 Best Time Management Strategies And Tools To Master Your Time


How to master time management? Here are the best and proven strategies, tools, and exercises that will help you.

Successful time management is more than simply organizing tasks or to-do’s and setting priorities. It’s about shaping our lives so there is always enough room for regeneration, hobbies, interests, and personal development.


Being constantly available and on duty is nowadays taken for granted. We receive new notifications, emails, and social media updates every minute. Constant distractions and multitasking make it challenging to focus on what’s essential, and it becomes tough to distinguish the important things from the unimportant.


“Urgent” and ever-new tasks, “important” deadlines, and endless to-do lists dictate our day, and we risk losing ourselves in this chaos sooner or later.

But there is a solution: The right time management tools, methods, and strategies enable us to reclaim our time and bring more mindfulness into our everyday lives. Instead of letting to-do lists dictate how we spend our day, effective time management methods enable us to mindfully set priorities for each day and focus on what’s important.


There are many ways to effective time management and we present the best of them here. The ultimate goal is a balanced life full of productivity and satisfaction.

In this blog article, we will introduce different time management methods. All the strategies will help you use your time more efficiently, increase your productivity, and find balance in your hectic everyday life.


What is time management? (Definition)


Time management is the art of using our limited time consciously and effectively to achieve our goals and lead a balanced life. It’s about setting priorities, organizing tasks, avoiding time wasters, and using our time wisely.

The ultimate goal of time management is to increase our productivity, reduce stress, avoid burnout and lead a fulfilling life in which we are successful and satisfied both in our professional and personal lives.

It includes a range of skills and techniques, including prioritization, task planning, delegating, and the intelligent use of time management tools, strategies, and methods.


Effective time management has several benefits


Effective time management is an essential skill in today’s fast-paced world. It serves as a foundation for a more productive, less stressful, and more satisfying life. Here are some of the main benefits and goals of good time management:


Increase in productivity and efficiency:

Proper time management allows us to organize and prioritize our tasks and activities better. This way, we increase our productivity and efficiency as we can get more tasks done in less time and thus have more time for other things.


Reduction of stress and overload:

By planning and structuring our time, we can avoid overload and reduce stress. When we know what needs to be done and when it needs to be done, we feel less overwhelmed and can approach our tasks calmly and focused.


Higher quality of life:

Good time management gives us more control over our lives. It allows us to schedule time for relaxation, hobbies, and personal development, which leads to improved quality of life and more satisfaction.


Better decision-making:

When we manage our time well, we have a clear overview of our tasks and priorities. This facilitates decision-making and helps us achieve our goals more effectively.


Improved work-life balance:

Time management helps us find a healthy balance between work and personal life. By dividing and planning our time properly, we can ensure that our professional and personal needs are met.


Learning time management: The best methods, tools, strategies, and exercises


There are a variety of time management strategies and tools, from traditional techniques like the Eisenhower Matrix or the Pomodoro Technique to modern digital apps and software solutions. They all aim to help us navigate our daily lives more productively.


However, it is important to note that everyone is individual and has different needs. What works for one person may not necessarily work for another. Therefore, it is crucial to try out different time management exercises, methods, techniques, or tools and find out which ones best suit your personal work style, goals, and lifestyle.


We will introduce some of the best and most common time management methods and tools to give you an insight into the different possibilities. If you offer coaching or counseling and find that time management is an issue for your clients, you can use these methods to support and guide them. Here are even more ready-to-use time management worksheets and tools in PDF format.



Time Management Strategy #1: Mastering the Clock: Productivity and Time Usage Assessment


Are you a master of time planning, or do you find it difficult to manage your time?


Before you start with one of the methods, it is helpful first to get an idea of your current time management. This analysis will help you determine which areas your time management already works well and where there is room for improvement.

This initial assessment will also show you what your creative and productive hours of the day are. Are you a morning person? Or do you perform best in the afternoon or even at night? Once you know yourself better, it becomes easier to plan and prioritize your day accordingly.


This first and often overlooked step forms an essential foundation for effective and successful time management. Only if you know yourself and your habits can you also adapt your daily routine to your individual personality. In the time management methods toolkit, you will find two worksheets and templates that will help you learn more about yourself and your current time management skills.


#2: The Priority Matrix (also known as the Eisenhower Matrix or Principle)


The priority matrix is a time management method that prioritizes tasks based on urgency and importance. It is based on the idea that not all tasks are equally important and that a clear distinction should be made between urgent and important tasks. The principle uses a four-quadrant matrix to categorize tasks as follows:


Important and urgent:

These tasks should be done immediately.


Important but not urgent:

These tasks should be planned and prioritized.


Not important, but urgent:

These tasks should be postponed or delegated.


Not important and not urgent:

These tasks should be avoided or eliminated.


Here’s a time management worksheet template for the Eisenhower Matrix in PDF form.


#3 The Pareto Principle (Also known as the 80/20 Principle)


The Pareto Principle, also known as the 80/20 Principle, is a time management method based on the insight that approximately 80% of the results are often achieved with around 20% of the effort. In many cases, a large portion of successes and outcomes come from a small amount of our activities.


The method is more suitable for general goals (e.g., increasing revenue, acquiring more customers) rather than specific and individual tasks. The Pareto Principle focuses on prioritization in the context of an overall goal or project.


The Pareto principle can be applied in various ways:


  • Identify the 20% of tasks with the most significant value or impact on the desired outcome.
  • Prioritize these tasks and focus your time and energy on them.
  • Reduce or eliminate tasks that do not make a significant contribution.

Here’s a ready to use Pareto Principle Time Management Worksheet.


Time Management Strategy #4: TimeFlow Method


The TimeFlow method is a time management technique that helps plan and organize tasks effectively. Here is how it works:


Identify tasks:

Write down all tasks to keep track of them.

Estimate time:

Estimate the time needed for each task.

Schedule buffer times:

Plan additional time for unforeseen events or interruptions.

Make A Decision:

Prioritize your tasks and decide what should be done first.


Regularly review and adjust your task list if necessary. Analyze how completed activities have contributed to your progress or desired goal.


Here’s a ready to use Time Flow Method Time Management Worksheet.


#5: The ABC Method


The ABC method is a time management technique that categorizes tasks based on priority. The letters A, B, and C are used to indicate the importance of tasks:


A represents the highest priority:

These tasks are urgent and significantly impact your goals or results.

B represents medium priority:

These tasks are important but less urgent than A tasks.

C represents low priority:

These tasks are less important and can potentially be delegated or postponed.


Here’s a ready to use ABC-Method Time Management Worksheet.



Time Management Tool #6: The “Kiss the Frog” method – Stop Procrastination


The “Kiss the Frog” method is a time management technique where you tackle unpleasant or challenging tasks first.
The method involves the following steps:


Identify the “frog”:

Recognize the upcoming task you find most unpleasant or tend to procrastinate on.

Set clear priorities:

Put the frog at the top of your task list.

Dive in:

Focus on the task and work through it consistently.


Reward yourself after kissing the frog to stay motivated.


Here’s a ready to use Kiss the frog Time Management Worksheet.



#7: The Pomodoro Technique


The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method that divides tasks and activities into short, focused intervals (typically 25 minutes). After each interval, there is a short break (typically 5 minutes). A longer break is taken after a certain number of work and break intervals (e.g., four Pomodoro cycles). The method consists of the following steps:


Choose a task. Set a timer for 25 minutes and work on the task with focus. When the timer goes off, take a short 5-minute break. After a certain number of work and break intervals, take a longer break of 15-30 minutes.



Time Management Strategy #8: Productivity and Time Management Journal


This productivity and time management journal will help you boost productivity and identify time thieves. By regularly reflecting on your activities, you can determine which activities are productive and which are wasting your time. Use this journal to analyze your habits, set priorities, and motivate yourself to maximize your time.

Here’s a Productivity and Time Management Journal template with questions and prompts.


#9: The Art of Delegating


Learn to delegate! Make your everyday life easier and create free time slots by identifying tasks that you can pass on to other people so you don’t have to do them yourself.

This way, you can focus on what’s really important and what only you can do. You can delegate tasks in both the professional and private sectors.


Think about which tasks you could delegate to others. You may realize that certain tasks cost you a lot of time in your daily life that you would instead invest differently. In your personal life, you can delegate activities to external service providers or ask family members and friends for help. In the business, you can pass on certain tasks to team members or hire external service providers.


Here’s a ready to use Mastering Delegation Time Management Worksheet.


Time Management Strategy #10: Making time for myself


Successful time management involves more than just coordinating appointments and tasks. It’s about using your time to have enough space for regeneration, hobbies, interests, and personal development in addition to all obligations and so-called “important” tasks.

This means considering your own needs, which often get lost in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. In the best case, you balance activity, rest, productivity, and time for yourself.

It is essential to create free time for yourself, your needs, and your personal development:


Here’s a ready to use Making Time For Me Time Management Worksheet.


Here are seven simple and ready-to-use tips to improve your time management today:


#1 Create a to-do list:

Write down everything you need to do. This gives you an overview of your tasks and helps you stay organized.


#2 Set priorities:

Identify the most important and urgent tasks on your list. Focus on these first.


#3 Avoid multitasking:

Try to focus on one task until it is completed. Studies show that multitasking often leads to mistakes, reduces performance, and takes more time.


#4 Take regular breaks:

Short breaks can help increase concentration and boost productivity.


#5 Learn to set boundaries and say “no”:

It’s important to know your limits and boundaries and learn to refuse tasks that don’t belong to your priorities.


#6 Use free time slots:

Free blocks of time can be used for smaller tasks, such as reading emails or planning the next day.


#7 Reflect at the end of the day:

Write down and review what you have achieved and what could be improved. This helps you continuously improve your time management skills.


Time Management – Make the Most of Your Available Time


Consider successful time management as a journey, not a destination. It’s an ongoing process that requires discipline, commitment, and constant adjustment. But it’s worth it! With every step you make on this journey, you not only improve your productivity and efficiency but also increase your overall well-being and quality of life.


Here are 11 time management templates, worksheets, strategies, and tools. They come with detailed descriptions and important tips for successful use. Use them for self-management and self-coaching, or with your coaching clients.

