


As coaches, counselors, and therapists we are regularly dealing with our clients’ limiting beliefs.

“Which beliefs are stopping them from accomplishing their goals and what negative thought patterns are making the desired change more difficult or even impossible?”

But limiting beliefs also affect us in our work as coaches and therapists.

How much time do you spend working on your own limiting beliefs?

Are there any thought patterns that could get in the way of your success?
Do you feel you are not attracting the right clients or do you lack self-confidence when talking to potential clients?

Our negative and (self) limiting beliefs have often been developed over years. Some of them even have their origin in our childhood. They are anchored deep within us and influence our decisions, actions as well as feelings.

Especially our negative beliefs slow us down and are a real roadblock to success. They reduce our self-confidence and motivation to try things and initiate change.


What are some examples of limiting beliefs as a (new or experienced) Coach, Counselor, or Therapist?


“I’m not good enough to help this client“
“I’m too young or too old to be a coach or counselor“
“I’m not smart enough to help this client“
“I don’t have enough experience with this kind of target group“


If we are consciously or unconsciously convinced that we are not good enough and will never be able to make a living from our coaching business because this mindset will reflect in all our actions.

Each of us have countless similar thought patterns and limiting beliefs and we are not even aware of most of them. They work as an invisible roadblock to success. Once you’re able to identify and replace these limiting and negative beliefs you’ve taken a big step towards becoming a successful coach or counselor.


How to get rid of Limiting Beliefs: An Exercise not only for Coaches, Counselors, and Therapists


Start with tracking your inner dialogue for a day. What do you say to yourself in certain situations? What phrases or generalizations do you use?

Try to observe your thoughts when talking to a potential client or before a session. What do you say to yourself in these situations?


Write down and challenge your limiting beliefs


Write down your observations, reflect on them and answer the following questions:


Where could this belief potentially come from?

Is this limiting belief true and is this really what I believe?

What is the evidence against this conviction being true?

What’s an alternative and more positive way of looking at it?

What would be a more helpful belief?


Remember your new and helpful belief whenever the old limiting one comes up again.

As already mentioned, many thought patterns were imposed on us in childhood by our parents, teachers, or friends. Other limiting beliefs have formed over the years due to negative experiences.


Unfortunately, these deeply anchored beliefs cannot be erased or overwritten overnight. But the regular observation of your inner dialogue and the replacement with more helpful beliefs is a real success booster. Take a look at the Thought Control and Mindset Change Toolkit. It includes powerful exercises that will help overcome all limiting beliefs once and for all.

