


Resources For Coaches: The Implementation Insurance (Coaching Question)

In most cases, a coaching session ends with the client agreeing on concrete action steps, ideas and plans that will be implemented by the next call if possible. Unfortunately, experience shows time and again that these plans are “forgotten” or are not completed due to busy schedules.

Projects that are not implemented drain self-confidence and cost motivation and energy. They also reduce the chances of future steps being successful.

As a coach, you should therefore encourage your clients to commit to concrete steps with a high probability of success. Sometimes there are already signs during the conversation that the client is unlikely to follow through with their plans. Typical signs are:


  • Unclear or vague statements: the client only makes general commitments to change something without specifying concrete measures or goals.
  • Contradictory statements: The client repeatedly states new goals or plans, which could indicate a lack of focus and commitment.
  • Excuses or procrastination: The client has a history of blaming external factors or obstacles for not achieving their plans, rather than taking responsibility for implementation.
  • Lack of commitment: The client shows little emotional commitment or conviction to their plans, which could indicate a lack of motivation to follow through.


If you feel that additional reassurance is needed for a particular plan, try including an ‘insurance question’ or two at the end of the session.


The Insurance Question – a simple and valuable Resource for Coaches


Here are some examples of insurance questions for your coaching. Depending on the situation, you can choose which of the questions is most appropriate at that particular moment to strengthen commitment and increase the likelihood of successful follow-through:


Are there any obstacles we need to overcome to make this happen?


Who else do you need to consult with or work with to implement or achieve this?


On a scale of one to ten, how confident are you that you will complete this step by the deadline?

-> What would it take to raise that “seven” to an “eight” or “nine”?

Could you simplify your plan or adjust the target date to increase the likelihood of success?


What could you do to increase your chances of successful completion?


What motivates you to make these changes and how can you maintain this motivation?


What specific steps do you plan to take to achieve this goal?


When will you begin to take these steps and by when do you plan to complete them?


How will you regularly review whether you are on track and make adjustments if necessary?


What kind of feedback or review do you want to receive between sessions to make sure you stay on track?




Don’t leave lasting coaching success up to chance! Protect your coaching from the notorious yo-yo effect known from weight loss.

The Follow-up Coaching Toolkit includes everything you need to ensure your clients’ lasting success.
