

Ikigai – How to find a Symbiosis between Japanese Philosophy and Western Values


Ikigai is the Japanese secret that guides individuals to find purpose and fulfillment in life.
To find Ikigai, one must identify an intersection between one’s own passions and talents and what the world needs. Essentially, it is about finding one’s calling or purpose.

However, Ikigai is mostly used to discover one’s dream job, but it has the potential to be much more.


It offers us a holistic orientation framework for our entire life, both professionally and personally. Ikigai is a life formula that makes it easier for us to make decisions in a wide variety of areas and serves as a guide for our actions.

Ikigai broadens our horizons by considering the interaction and interplay between us and our environment in all our actions and plans.

It is important to note that Ikigai is different from a finished goal or a state that is achieved once. It is more of a guideline that, at best, will accompany us throughout our lives. After all, life is not static but constantly changing. We, ourselves, and the world around us are always on the move and continually evolving.


Anyone who truly understands and successfully applies Ikigai will eventually always be able to find the ideal balance between their own needs and skills and the trends, requirements, and circumstances of their environment.

The person then lives in harmony with the world around them in all aspects of life. They always find the ideal balance between the outside and the inside and are, therefore, in a flow state. That means work, leisure, and social relationships flow with ease. The person is balanced, satisfied, and fulfilled.




East meets West – two poles with different world views and priorities


The Western and Eastern views of Ikigai can be described as two contrasting poles. In Western culture, self-fulfilment (jiko jitsugen) is seen as fundamental. Here, the focus is on the development of individual potential and self-actualization. This is already encouraged in childhood by emphasizing the personality and individuality of every single person. An ego-centered approach prevails.

In contrast, the Eastern perspective, particularly in Japan, is based on the concept of belonging to a group (Ittaikan). Here, the focus is on oneness with the group and socio-centric identity. At a young age, children in Japan learn about group life (shūdan seikatsu) and the importance of harmony and cooperation. In contrast to the Western ego-centered approach, the focus is on the collective in the search for Ikigai.


Ikigai Infographic – Understanding the Japanese Philosophy





The different thought patterns, beliefs, and world views make these two poles particularly clear.


In the Western world, it is often assumed that you can achieve anything with the right mindset. According to the law of attraction, anyone who lives their passions and abilities with the proper conviction will automatically find a corresponding echo from society and thus also financial success. Fulfillment and satisfaction, and thus the Ikigai, are solely in the hands of each individual.

The Eastern worldview focuses on the well-being of society and the community. Those who serve society and contribute their skills are guaranteed to find their place and, therefore, fulfillment and their Ikigai.

In each case, Ikigai involves both the individual and the collective. In the Western view, however, the emphasis is very much on the individual, whereas in the East, the focus is on the collective.


Ikigai: East meets West and the best of both worlds


In our view, living according to Ikigai does not mean favoring one of the two poles but choosing the required priorities depending on the situation. The individual and the collective mutually complement and support each other. This is because they are in permanent interaction with each other.

From our perspective, true Ikigai means appreciating both the Western emphasis on self-actualization and the Eastern focus on belonging to a group and prioritizing them according to the situation. Neither should the individual be placed above the collective, nor vice versa. The decision as to which aspect has priority depends on the individual situation or challenge we are facing.


A great example is a team sport such as soccer or basketball


Each player in a team pursues their own goals and contributes to the team’s overall performance. In some situations, it may be necessary for a player to set aside his personal ambitions and act in the interests of the team in order to ensure collective success. At other times, however, it may be important for a player to showcase his skills in order to assist the team.

This interaction between personal development and group cohesion makes life dynamic and rewarding. It shows that the balance and constant alignment between the individual and the particular environment is important in order to lead a fulfilled and balanced life.


Ikigai Coaching – The path to fulfillment


Those who’ve discovered their Ikigai don’t just know their skills, talents, values, and passions – they live them! They rise each morning into a world rich with purpose and peace, crafting lives woven with happiness and authenticity.

The Ikigai Toolkit with its six worksheets and exercises is the blueprint for anyone who wants to find their Ikigai:

