• Ultimate Coaching Template Starter Kit

    $99.00 + VAT if applicable


    Are you starting a new coaching business?


    Don't work hard - work smart!

      Many new coaches spend countless hours crafting their own coaching templates, tools, and forms. Endless days of research wasted on Google and reading books about coaching only to answer questions like
    • “How should I set up new clients?“
    • “How to structure my discovery session to win clients?“, and
    • “What to ask on my intake form and how to structure the process?“
      These questions are endless, and setting up a successful coaching business can be overwhelming. At the same time, all you really want is to focus on helping people and building a thriving coaching practice.   Nevertheless, ensuring all the structures and systems are in place is crucial to your success. Topics like attracting clients, coaching contracts, session structure, budget planning, client questionnaires, accountability, coaching tools, and goal-oriented worksheets are the nuts and bolts of coaching. The great news is that you don't have to do all that work because our team of experienced coaches handled all these parts for you.  

    We created The Coaching Starter Kit that allows you to work smarter, not harder!

      It's a comprehensive all-in-one Toolkit with everything to launch and expand your coaching practice – fast and effortless. It contains professional templates, cheat sheets, questionnaires, and tools you can use immediately. The Starter Kit saves you time, money, and the frustration of not knowing where to start. It will help you to set the foundation for a professional and successful coaching business.  

    The Coaching Starter Kit is for you if...

    • You're a new coach that wants to be professional right from the beginning
    • You prefer to coach and grow your practice instead of spending days researching and cobbling together materials.
    • You want confidence right from the start because you know you have professional templates and tools for every situation.
    • You want proven and ready-to-use templates instead of spending money and time on books and resources you don't need.
    • You want to take advantage of experienced and successful coaches who did all the legwork for you.
    • You don't want to start from scratch or reinvent the wheel. Use what's working and start coaching.
    • You want an incredible return on your investment: One hour of coaching will pay for the entire Starter Kit.

    What's included?

    20 powerful coaching templates, tools, exercises, and questionnaires:

      Winning Clients
    • Six tips for converting every lead into a client with practical comp sessions
    • Comp-Session Voucher to get referrals
    • Cheatsheet: 33 Questions to ask potential clients
    • The Ultimate Coaching Business & Marketing Planner
    Coaching Practice Start-Up and Management
    • Coaching Invoice Template
    • Coaching Client Hours Log – Effectively track your certification hours
    • Coaching Business Start-Up Calculator
    Setting up a new client
    • New Client Checklist – Make sure not to forget anything
    • Starting point cheatsheet – Always know where to start
    • Ultimate Session Checklist – What to do before, during, and after each call
    Provide outstanding coaching
    • Coaching client intake questionnaire
    • Basic goal-setting exercise
    • The 5-minute session preparation for clients
    • The action log helps clients get moving and stay on track
    • The session wrap-up prompts clients to document their key insights
    • The session feedback is perfect for evaluating the effectiveness of your coaching
    • The monthly feedback encourages clients to share their progress
    • The coaching feedback allows you to assess the entire process

    It's a goldmine of resources for your coaching business.

      The Starter-Kit Tools come as a professionally-designed PDFs, brandable .docx, and text files including detailed instructions on how to use them.    

    *Bonus: Order today to get the eBook Coaching Navigation Method © - 4 Steps to Sustainable Coaching Success for FREE

    Get the Starter-Kit now for only $ 99

    (+VAT if applicable - One-Time-Purchase)

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  • Life Coaching Toolkit

    $49.00 + VAT if applicable

    7 Impactful And Ready-To-Use Life-Coaching Tools


    A set of seven life coaching tools, worksheets, and exercises that help your clients discover their strengths, weaknesses, desires, and true ambitions. They develop concrete strategies and action plans and finally take the driver's seat of their life!

      We all experience these moments of self-doubt and uncertainty: Am I living the life I want? Am I pursuing the right goals?   Even the most successful, confident, and happy people have moments where they ask themselves these questions. So do your coaching clients. Especially nowadays, it's easy to lose sight of what is really important. Most of our day, we run on autopilot while we tackle our daily duties. Sometimes the only thing that helps is:
    • Hit the stop button.
    • Take a deep breath.
    • Evaluate where we are and where we want to be.

    What are my dreams, visions, goals, and aspirations? What truly matters to me in my life?


    How can I live a truly fulfilled life and reach my full potential?

    Finding concrete answers to these questions is difficult. Still, we created a Life Coaching Toolkit that helps your clients evaluate where they are and want to be, connect with themselves, and make positive and sustainable changes. The Toolkit includes seven worksheets and exercises that help your clients discover their strengths, weaknesses, desires, and true ambitions. They develop concrete strategies and action plans and finally take the driver's seat of their life!  

    The Toolkit is for you if you want to help clients to...

    • raise their awareness and find out what they really want in life

    • boost their self-worth and self-confidence

    • discover and reach their full potential every day

    • identify and live their priorities

    • find new motivation, happiness, vitality, and joy in their life


    It's a must-have if you want to empower your clients to take action and create a life they love.


    These 7 powerful life coach tools, exercises, and questionnaires are included:

    1. Wheel of Life – The famous tool has been taken to the next level. It will help your clients clarify their status quo, identify neglected parts of their life, and define the proper action steps according to their insights. It contains detailed instructions, thought-provoking questions, and a professional wheel-of-life template.
    2. Ten Years From Now - We must take consistent actions to achieve our goals and live our desired life.  This tool helps clients set life priorities and take stock of their situation. The next step is to identify concrete milestones and actions to get moving toward the life they desire.
    3. Start to make some changes right now - Our daily lives are often a series of habits played out throughout the day. Your clients develop strategies to change habits and overcome unhelpful patterns. They find empowering and positive alternatives and get motivated to take action now. The tool wraps up with a call for action and commitment.
    4. STOP procrastinating and let's get it done - Is there a task or project your client has procrastinated on for weeks (or even months)? This tool will make it fun to act on time. You are making your client want to move toward completing projects and tasks on time. A super effective coaching exercise to get things done.
    5. Understanding & Improving Your Money Mindset – This exercise helps clients understand their money mindset and where it came from and helps them improve and change it. Prompts clients to think about their relationship with money and what they want to change or improve about it. Wraps up with a concrete call for action and commitment.

    6. Purpose & Passion - Without a life purpose as a compass to guide them, their goals and action plans may not ultimately fulfill them. That makes it more challenging, if not impossible, to reach their goals. Clients Identify, acknowledge, and honor their purpose and passion as the first step to setting reasonable and fulfilling goals.
    7. Self-Esteem Inventory - Our levels of self-worth highly influence the results we accomplish every single day. This self-awareness tool will assist your clients in gaining a deeper understanding of their perception of their self-worth. They also identify areas they may want to concentrate on improving.

    It's a goldmine of insights for your life coaching process.

      Perfect for 1-1 Coachings, groups, and workshops Every tool comes as a professionally-designed PDF, brandable .docx, and text file, including instructions on how to use it.    

    *Bonus: Order today to get the eBook Coaching Navigation Method © - 4 Steps to Sustainable Coaching Success for FREE


    Get the Toolkit now for just $ 49

    (One-Time-Price + VAT if applicable)

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