case-study-coaching-software-clevermemoA Case study about benefits and chances of using a coaching software with Bernd Weber (Coach, Counselor, Mentor)

Bernd Weber talks about the challenge of keeping clients accountable between sessions. He shares insights on his day-to-day work using the coaching software CleverMemo.





Can you give us a quick overview of the clients you are working with?

I work with clients of all ages. I’m coaching kids, teenagers and adults. It starts with pupils, students, employees, self-employed up to the upper management.

We also help companies and organizations to prevent psychological stress within their employees. Besides that my coachees are underachievers and ADHD patients.
In short: We do counseling, coaching and mentoring


What’s the challenge clients face between their sessions if they don´t have ongoing support?

The biggest challenge for clients is to stay accountable and to keep the work and process going between sessions. Many of my clients live hundreds of miles away and they don’t have the chance to do weekly in-person coaching sessions. We tried to solve this problem by offering incentives (1-5 days), which of course costs a lot of time and money.


What are the reasons that made you decide to use CleverMemo?

First of all, my clients and I appreciate having a safe and secure environment for our communication between sessions. I was on a long search for a coaching software that not only streamlines the whole process but also can be used as a “tool” in my daily work.

The integrated questionnaires and tools save me a lot of time and effort. Also, the team behind CleverMemo offers timely and personal support whenever I need their help. I always get ideas and solutions within a few hours after my request.


Since when are you using the coaching platform CleverMemo? How has it changed the way you do coaching and counseling?

I’ve been using CleverMemo since 2015. I tried to find out if it’s a good fit for my coaching practice. The positive client feedback made me decide to offer them support via CleverMemo between sessions. In some cases, it’s a substitute for face-to-face sessions.

This works especially well for coachees who live far away, for team-coachings in companies and for students. Because of this flexibility, it becomes easy to support and engage clients in their daily life.


This is how I use CleverMemo:

  • Online Coaching
  • Blended Coaching
  • Follow-Up Coaching
  • Long-Term Mentoring
  • For notes and journaling
  • For document sharing and message exchange


These are the main benefits of using CleverMemo Coaching Software (for me and my clients)

The time independence and the possibility to communicate asynchronously anywhere and anytime. The text-based communication comes with many benefits for my clients. They can share notes and journal entries whenever they want. No need to wait until our next session.

This makes sure that nothing slips through the cracks or will be forgotten. They also have the possibility to print out their entire coaching stream (as PDF) to reread and reflect their process. Additionally, we both can effectively prepare and review each session.


How do you introduce your clients into CleverMemo?

Sometimes I tell them about the benefits in our live session or via Skype and Zoom. I also give them a chance to ask questions about the process and usage.


How would you describe CleverMemo Coaching software to a colleague?

CleverMemo doesn’t dictate your style of coaching. It’s a complementary software tool that increases the efficiency of each session and makes the coaching a lasting and sustainable success. It supports your way of coaching no matter if live or online, short- or long-term. It strengthens the coach-client relationship and keeps clients committed and accountable.


What would you tell someone who is considering to use CleverMemo?

I would tell them to start a free trial and find out if it’s a good fit.


Bernd Weber is a Coach, Counselor and Mentor based in Germany. Find out more about him on his website: