complimentary-coaching-session-sampleA complimentary coaching session is a free sample (life) coaching session. This first session allows you to present your coaching and to find out what your (potential) client wants to accomplish. It usually takes place before signing the coaching contract.




The aim and purpose are that the client feels that you “get her/him“ and eventually starts a coaching relationship with you. Make this session all about your client. Show genuine interest and make a connection.

Try not to talk too much about what you do and offer in the beginning. Let the clients talk about their problems, wishes, dreams, and desired outcomes.


What makes a good complimentary coaching session

6 tips for your sample and complimentary coaching session:


Create a connection and build rapport:

Be curious and listen to the client. Ask questions and find out what they want. Listen to details and create an atmosphere that makes them excited to start working with you. You should be listening between 80 % and 90 % of the time and talk not more than 20 %. If the client gets too much into details or loses focus try to get her back on what matters.

Possible questions for the start of your first coaching session:

  • Tell me a bit about yourself.
  • How would you describe yourself?
  • What made you decide to contact me?


Find out the true motivation of your client:

The goal of the sample coaching session ist to get to know your potential client.
Find out what motivates her/him to start a coaching relationship. Is it a certain goal or something they want to change in their life?

A complimentary session will help you find out if it’s the client’s wish to be coached or if a third person (e.g. partner, boss) wants them to do it. Once you found the true motivation for the coaching you can show them how you can help them accomplish their goals and wishes.


Example questions for the complimentary coaching session:

  • What is the biggest challenge you are currently facing?
  • What are you most frustrated with right now?
  • What are you most passionate about in life?
  • What’s the first thing you’d want to work on with a coach?
  • What’s the obstacle or the hesitation that keeps you from getting started?
  • What outcome would make working with me a great success?
  • How would your life look like if you decide not to get coached?


Is it a good fit?

After you found what motivates the client you can explain how you work and how you can help your clients with their specific goal or problem. Show the client that you’re the right person to help them accomplish their goals.

You could share some insight on a small aspect of the client’s goal or change agenda to increase your credibility and to give her/him the feeling that you’re the ideal person to work with.


  • Here’s how I usually work with my clients:
  • Here’s how I work with that goal:
  • Here’s what you can expect if we start a coaching relationship:

Outline a plan for your coaching sessions and your process:

Describe briefly how the coaching process with you looks like.

  • How often will you meet and how does a typical session look like? (One way it the GROW model for example)
  • How do you interact between sessions?
  • How do you ensure accountability and sustainable success?
  • What are your fees and payment models?


Decision & commitment: Wrapping up the free sample coaching session

Now you know what’s important for the client and the client should have a good feeling about how you can help them. You’ve built some rapport and it’s time to wrap up your first session. There should be an exact agreement on how both of you want to proceed with this relationship. Don’t be afraid to ask for a decision after the complimentary session.


  • How do you want to proceed?
  • Is there anything you need to know before you can make your decision?
  • What is holding you back from making a decision?


Always Follow-Up

If your client didn’t sign up immediately after your complimentary session, don’t forget to follow-up after a week.

We wish you a lot of success with your complimentary sessions. These tips should help you to feel more confident.