coaching-programs-coaching-coursesThe internet is full of countless self-learning courses and automated coaching programs. It doesn’t matter if the aim is to lose weight, reduce stress, become more confident or simply living the dream life.

Many coaches design their programs or courses once and then want them to be delivered automatically to their clients. That sounds just perfect and makes total sense at first glance. It becomes easy to scale the business.

The individual course and program modules will be sent to the participants via a predefined schedule every few days. Because that’s the only way to get that “beach body in 8 weeks” or the “thriving business in 3 months”, right?

Without any doubt, these programs are a great way to scale your coaching business and allow you to serve unlimited clients.


Unfortunately, these automated courses often fall short of the clients’ expectations and many don’t accomplish the desired outcomes. Every person absorbs, understands and implements the content individually. The tempo for a single course module is also highly individual. One only needs one day while the other needs a week. Also, it’s not always possible to apply all the steps as desired and planned throughout the stressful daily life.

The Solution: Individually supported Coaching Programs and Coaching Courses delivered via CleverMemo


It’s your chance to offer a premium and high ticket course with personal support instead of a one-size-fits-all program. You take account of each client’s individual situation and needs.

CleverMemo has been offering two individually supported online courses for several years. The biggest thing we’ve learned while delivering our course: Even though the modules are the same for all participants, each participant and how they deal with the modules is unique.


Some need a week to work through the course material and implement it, while others are done in one day. And then we have clients that need to take a two-week break because they go on holiday or move to another place.

In our two existing coaching courses, each participant receives an action item at the end of the module which helps them implement what they have learned. Again, the approach of every client is completely individual. Some of them have additional questions, others do not manage to get the task done in time, and for others, it can not be fast enough to get access to the next part of their course.

To take the individual needs of each participant into account we provide this individual support throughout the program. It almost takes no time but ensures that every client finishes the course successful.


How to accomplish that?

The next module is available whenever the client is done with the previous part. Instead of sending them out on a fixed schedule they receive the next part after they marked their action item completed.

That makes sure that each client can take their time to finish the part of the program. At the same time, due date and optional reminders make sure they stay accountable and keep a certain timeframe.


At first, this seems to be more work for the coach, but there are huge opportunities:

Every client feels they are personally supported throughout the program. His or her individual needs and ideas are taken into account, which ensures that the program will be completed successfully. The success rate of your clients increases and they accomplish their goals.

This premium course or program allows you to charge premium prices. You offer much more value than your competitors who only deliver automated one-size-fits-all programs.


The implementation is super easy

Set up your program in CleverMemo. Save existing templates, questionnaires, files, videos, and audios that are part of your coaching program or course.

Once you’re done sharing the individual parts of your program with a single client or an entire group becomes a matter of seconds.

You can individualize your program and the support for each client by providing feedback on their homework and action items or by answering questions, and sharing your ideas.

This 5-minute video shows you how easy it is to set up and deliver your coaching program with CleverMemo.



Click here to start your free CleverMemo trial and explore the possibilities for your Coaching.